Sunday, February 15, 2009


Taylor was saying duck but every time I tried to get it on tape my camera died. So the short 5sec clip is her saying ducky. Pedro and I wanted to go for a little trip this weekend but I just had to much homework to do. I hope to post something again soon but I never know with school...

I also guess you would all like an update on me.. I am 10 weeks pregnant and my due date is now Sept 7. Everything is good, thanks to everyone that asked about us.

Taylor updates...

She is a climber she goes up the steps and on the furniture. I had to put her car away because she would stand on it and jump, I was afraid she would fall and hit her head.

New words last week.. please, cookie (grams dog), belly,bath and duck.

She is so funny when she brings us books to read to her it's so cute. She also loves taking stuff apart and looking at it. I call her my little investigator or just fingers cause she is always into everything!

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