Tuesday, March 23, 2010


so happy together....

Taylor's pop

Taylor and Haley both have a cold this week that they gave to me. Runny nose and cough at night. Taylor sounded so horse 2 days ago from coughing that I got her these cough drop pops. They are lemon and honey she like it and it did help a little.

Haley's walker

I have been a bad bad blogger.. I guess you want some updates. Haley has been sitting up for a while

know. She said Daddy a few days ago and also has started a slow craw already and yes how could I forget last night when both of her front bottom teeth came threw.. Thanks Oragel.


Taylor loves to sit with Haley on the floor when we play.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Belly time

Cake bake

Haley 6mo

Think Spring!!


rainy afternoon we decided to play with the camera and some flower work sent me when Gram Metzger passed away. I wanted to do something nice with the flowers..

More of Pitt

These are more from Pitt and or last visit there.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

At the Mall

Bath time

The girls love to get their baths together now the only big problem I have is that Taylor likes to try to wash Haley and she will try to dump water on her thinking that she

is helping me.