Wednesday, December 29, 2010


This Christmas was much different than last. Last christmas I was so worried cause I could not get everthing for everyone that I wanted. This christmas was just perfect to see my babies faces when the tree went up. It make you think about whats important family.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Taylor and Haley loves there special mugs from Grammy

Fall Taylor pics


Halloween Taylor was a southern bell



Sunday, October 17, 2010

Haley's pics

We took Haley to get her pics taken here is the link if you want to check them out.

The session number is 106705
password is Y3CSD

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Well Haley is 1 now she is so funny. she is all over the place. She loves kisses and finding her nose, she will point to it and and say nose. she says other words as well. We got her pics taken last week so I will have them in the mail for everyone soon.

Taylor is also more vocal. She said to Pedro tonight "WATS YOUR PROBLEM" so I guess I have to really watch what I say...

I do have some pics from my phone that I want to put on but my computer will not down load them so i am working on that..

Update with me. I am still working 60+ hours a week but I am really staring to feel it. I have tendentious in my foot so i am having trouble walking. I was in a boot for a while and a cast but still am having trouble Dr says to take vacation and only work part time. I laughed.. I also pulled my back out and work. It's kinda sad to see me move in the morning I am getting old!!

Pedro can't stand that i work so much he put in more applications in middleburg and lewisburg but no calls yet.

I also was asked to start a new job. I work now in the ER and at a nursing home. I work as a manager during the week but I was asked to apply for unit manager, lots of responsibility but I am ready for a change, I think. I am been at EVAN for almost 10 years so it would be a lot to give up but I feel like it's a good move but I am not sure.. lol pray that I am making the right choice and that if it's meant to be the door will open for me.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Great Birthday

The gifts

Thanks everyone for the gifts and cards in the mail. Her birthday was great.

The Cake

Party fun