Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Helping mom study

I was working on studying for finals and Taylor thought that she would help me. Pedro was cooking supper again, he is becoming quite the chef and house keeper.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Up dates

Well I am working hard with school. My classes are really hard and take lots of studying time that I just do not have but i am making it threw. I guess I don't have to make the Deans List every semester. Next month I start at a few different hospitals for OB/Peds and special needs. If all goes well I finish in May!! That's less then a year I can't wait to be done!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


It was nice out today and we had about 5min that all three of us could be in the same place at one time so I got some pics with her little bow in.

Mack helping

Mackenzie is one of our friends kids and loves coming over to help with Taylor. They are feeding Taylor some green beans here, at first she was like no way but she likes them unlike her snoopy parents.

New high chair

Well I figured it is time to pull on the new high chair.. I was so funny I was studying for a huge test while Pedro and my friend Amanda were trying there best to put it together. The funny thing was that Taylor new what is was and started talking to them as if to tell them to hurry up cause she was hungry.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Big eyes

Got these shots the other day when she would not stop looking at my new hair cut. I think she was trying to figure out were all my hair went. Yes I know I need to post a pic of it..

Playing with Dad

Taylor and Dad were playing and she finally said Dada this week. She has said momma for awhile know and is working on Ozzy. Mostly she just giggles at Ozzy.


Taylor giggles all the time. I finally got it on camera for everyone else to enjoy..

We are!!

Taylor sits up now very well and likes no help sitting up!